Hello, my name is David Harak. While I was in law school, my father was the victim of medical negligence. This motivated me to become a personal injury lawyer. Throughout the over twenty years that I have been privileged to practice law, I have dedicated myself to practicing with the highest ethical standards in the zealous pursuit of justice for my clients.
There is no way I could do this without having an amazing team behind me. Our law firm strives to operate more like a family than a business. We represent individuals in claims for personal injuries against negligent motor vehicle drivers, negligent boat operators, negligent train operators, negligent corporations, sexual abusers, negligent medical providers, negligent medical hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and surgery centers all throughout the State of Maryland.
We seek to find the truth in our investigation of finding how and why our clients have become injured by the negligence and wrongdoing of individuals and corporations. We then use the legal process established by our founding fathers to hold these negligent wrongdoers fully accountable under the law. We fervently believe that by holding wrongdoers fully accountable for their actions, the world becomes a safer place for not only our clients but for the community in which we live and practice law.
Although our firm is located in beautiful South Baltimore, we routinely represent clients who live in every county from Garrett to Worcester. Often times, I meet our clients in their homes. In addition to being more convenient for our clients, I have found that our clients are much more comfortable discussing their cases in the comfortable and familiar surroundings of their home.
Our firm does not charge for any initial consultation. We do not bring frivolous claims or file frivolous lawsuits. We selectively screen the cases that we choose to take, and we are very careful to only take on clients and causes that we feel we can fully give our hearts and minds to.
Many of our clients come to us with a strong dislike of lawyers and a healthy distrust of the legal system. We understand their frustration, as many lawyers do not take the time to actually listen to their clients, let alone explain the legal system and how their claim can be successfully pursued within its constraints. These lawyers treat clients and their cases not like people, but like commodities. This is very distasteful to us.
Some of our prospective clients' distrust of the legal system makes them afraid to even call a lawyer, as they fear that someone will think they are being greedy. Many times these clients have tried to handle their claims by themselves and have run up against companies that simply refuse to pay for the expenses created by their insured’s negligence, let alone even try to make up for the harms that their insureds have done to these clients and their families’ lives. These clients often come to us lamenting the idea that they may have to sue someone as they don’t like the idea of suing anyone. Nevertheless, after being jerked around by the system as their bills continue to pile up, they see no other alternative.
We welcome these types of clients as we are confident that our law firm will very quickly change their preconceived notion about lawyers. During our first interview, we spend a great deal of time explaining to prospective clients how the legal system works before we even discuss the particulars of their claim. We then take the time to actually listen to their concerns before we tell them how we would proceed on their behalf, should they choose to hire us. Often times, our first meeting with a prospective client sews the seeds of what will become a close relationship.
Once we decide to take on a prospective client’s case, we fervently believe that we cannot adequately represent that client unless we do not concern ourselves with the amount of time that pursuing their case ultimately requires. We believe that if we give our all to our clients, they will be eager to refer to us any friend and relative who finds themselves in the unfortunate position of being the victim of negligence.
By practicing law in this way, we have found that the overwhelming majority of our new clients come from personal referrals of current or former clients. We love our clients. So, we welcome anyone they refer with open arms, as these prospective clients almost always turn out to be just like them and are the type of people that we love to represent. Our law firm also receives referrals from many lawyers who believe that our skill set is better suited to meet the needs of clients of theirs who have suffered personal injuries through the negligence of others. Our client-centric approach to practicing law has caused us never to have to advertise for our services.
Often, our cases are driven by the defenses of the insurance industry. We are continually angered by the insurance industry’s constant refusal to deal with people who have been injured by those whom they insure in a fair and reasonable way. In over twenty years of practice, our law firm has come to the sad but inevitable conclusion that insurance companies attempt to use their power to drive innocent victims into submission so that they can continue to reap billions of dollars in profits. While the insurance industry can outspend us on any claim they choose to, they cannot outwork us. More importantly, by selectively choosing the cases we take, we know that our clients are in the right. This is the fuel that drives the passion we bring to each of our clients' cases, while we strive as hard as we can to see that they receive justice.
My team and I look forward to meeting you and helping you hold the people accountable whose negligence has wreaked havoc on you and your family’s way of life. If you need a lawyer for an area of law that we do not regularly practice in, we can help get you to the right lawyer you need.